Archive for October 14th, 2009

October 14, 2009

Elevator Syndrome?

Yeh……that’s what I thought too when I first heard of it. What kinda crappy disease is this, which occurs when you enter an elevator/lift? Well, it’s quite simple. Think about it once you enter an elevator full of unknown people. I’m sure you’ll figure it out in a while.

But, you know that is not gonna happen. I’m gonna spoil all the fun here. So, the elevator syndrome is the weird habit of people checking their cellphones for non-existent messages and/or some unknown entity when in the elevator. Mind you! This does not start as soon as you enter the elevator, but in a while.

And, i’m sure this is not only the only place you witness such an event happening. I can think of some other places too:

the bus stop

the subway station

in the train

in the checkout queue at any store

These are the one’s I could come up with for now.

Can you think of any other place where such a thing can be observed???

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