Archive for January, 2011

January 5, 2011

Spring: lookup-method injection

The first of my java posts.

Those who have been working with Spring for a while (or have even just started) will know that Spring instantiates all beans by default as Singleton. Now, there are scenarios wherein you would want multiple instances of a bean to be created (prototype) from within a singleton bean.
One approach is to have your singleton class implement BeanFactoryAware interface. However, that ties the code to spring; and believe me, you would NOT want to do that.

A second, better approach is to use lookup-method injection. Let us see an example below:
1. DirectoryPoller is a class which listens on a given directory in the file system for dropped files.
2. PollerMaker is a class which instantiates an instance of a DirectoryPoller.
3. PollerThread is a Thread instance which will be instantiated for every folder to be listened into.

Here are the code snippets from the above classes:
(Note DirectoryPoller is a third party class provided by Cristiano Sadun. Obtain DirectoryPoller and its dependent packages here.)

public abstract class PollerMaker {
* Abstract method to create DirectoryPoller instance
* by lookup-method feature provided by Spring.
* This is done to avoid tying the code to spring using
* BeanFactoryAware interface. DirectoryPoller instances are
* created one per invoking thread i.e. one per file type.
protected abstract DirectoryPoller

public DirectoryPoller getPollerInstance(){
return createDirectoryPoller();

The above class is the abstract singleton used to retrieve an instance of DirectoryPoller each time the getPollerInstance() method is called.

private class PollerThread implements Runnable{
FileFoundListener fileListener;

PollerThread(FileFoundListener plugin){
fileListener = plugin;

public void run(){
//DirectoryPoller poller = (DirectoryPoller) factory.getBean("directory.poller", DirectoryPoller.class);
DirectoryPoller poller = maker.getPollerInstance();
poller.addFileFoundListener(fileListener, fileListener.getSearchDirectory());

Now, for the Spring context configuration:

<!-- The extended Sadun DirectoryPoller to service out specific needs -->
<bean id="directory.poller" scope="prototype">
<property name="autoMove" value="true" />
<property name="pollInterval" value="2000" />
<!-- Set this property if this application needs to wait for another application to come up.
Use a java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch instance with jdk5.0 and higher. -->
<!-- <property name="countDownLatch" ref="" />-->

<!-- The lookup-method DirectoryPoller creator -->
<bean id="poller.maker">
<lookup-method name="createDirectoryPoller" bean="directory.poller" />

On container instantiation, Springs ApplicationContext will load all the declared Singleton beans into the container.

Remember, that the Singleton which will invoke the Prototype instances has to be loaded by Spring, otherwise Spring will not override your abstract method using CGLIB to provide its own implementation.